viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Hello guys!!! How are you?!! I hope all right! Today I will speak about a pet that my family have when I was child. Our dog was called Orson. Its name was the same of a pig of the Cartoons Garfield. I didn’t love so much this dog, because it was the dog of my parents and, generally, I don’t like so much the animals. Our dog was a boxer, this dog race it’s very special and the people prefer the boxer dogs because they are very care with the children. They are not very aggressive and they love plays. Our dog loved play! Orson loved jumping and running. He never was tired!... My brother played with him and my father gave him to walk around a park that was place near to our house. My mother loves him but she didn’t play with him…. But the story of my dog it a little sad, because… one day, Orson woke very sick. He vomited a lot and foamed a very strange with liquid. I remember that this day was very unhappy because we saw our dog agonizing. We took him to the vet and we waited a long time. The vet said that our dog had been poisoned with strychnine, a poison very strong and lethal. His death was really a mistery for us… But we think that our neighbors empoisoned Orson because they constantly complained about his barking… So… this is the sad story of our pet… I send you a hug! And see you soon! Greetings, Karina

1 comentario:

  1. Hey dear Karina, I didn't see you this week :/
    That story is sad, poor doggy...anyway, karina, I knew you don't like animals jejeje, they are nice, believe me ;)
