jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

My favorite film... The Piano Teacher by Michael Haneke!

Hello guys!
How are you?!

I will tell you why La Pianiste by Michael Haneke is my favourite film... Erika Kohut is 40 years old and she is a piano teacher who works at Vienna Conservatory. Erika lives with her old mother. The mother wants her daughter remains all her life with her. She has the control of the Erika’s life.  But the strictness of musical discipline and  the insistent surveillance mother repress to Erika who seeks a release in the sex. Erika has a piano student who falls in love for her, but she tortures him.  

I love this film because the protagonist is Isabelle Huppert. She is absolutly my favourite actress!! Usually, Isabelle Huppert  works in intellectual films and she was the muse of Claude Chabrol.  Recently she has worked in the film "Amour" also by Michael  Haneke…  I think that in the character of Erika Kohut, Isabelle Huppert speaks with her  eyes. Through her expression we can see the character's thoughts!!  I think that she is wonderful! ...Annie Girardot plays the character  of the mother. Girardot was a great actress but, unfortunatelly,  she’s dead the last year.
Michael Haneke is my favourite director.  He is from Austria. I think that he is a genius! He has created a new conception of cinema, a new language because he shows another dimension of things, of the psychology characters. He shows the real disgrace of humanity. He reveals through his films the banality of everyday life. Michael Haneke is not just a film director, is a philosopher!

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

My favorite web site!

Hello guys!
How are you?!
I’ll present you my favorite internet site. I visit this site regularly because I am its creator. This facebook page is a kind of homage to a Yugoslavian artist that I admire. Her name is Marina Abramovic and she’s a performance artist. I think that she has changed the conception of performance art. She’s very special! Her hypnotic character is really impressive! In 2010 she did a retrospective of his work at MoMA. And one of her last work is a film entitled “The Artist is Present”. My site gets visitors from all over the world and I knew personal friends of the artist and artists who have worked with her through this Facebook page! Marina Abramovic is an artist very important to me because through her I decided to study Visual Arts and Art History. 

This is the link of my page: 

(Post Data ... I would ask one of my colleagues how I can upload blog comments!! Please!!! I can’t do it!)

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Maria Callas, my most beloved singer!

I'd like to tell you a little about my favorite singer, Maria Callas.  She was born in 1923 in New York but she was Greek and her real name was Cecilia Sofía Anna Maria Kalogeropoulos.
I met her through a television documentary of Film & Arts Channel when I was 15 years old.
I remember that her expressive eyes, the sincerity of her movements on stage, her ductile voice and her extraordinary acting ability surprised me. Her voice, her body and her face changed according to the character she played. She cold be an angel but she could be a demon too on stage!
She herself lived and died as if she had been an operatic character. She was a very ugly child and her mother didn't loves her, she became the most famous -and the best- opera singer of the world and then she lost her voice; she was the mother of a dead child and then she died for love and loneliness at 53 years old. She had a very sad life and therefore she acquired the necessary sensibility  to play tragic heroins. She didn't have especially a beautiful voice, she wasn't a perfect singer but she was able to understand the essence of the opera art and made it part of her own life.
I can say that Maria Callas changed a little my life, because I decided to study opera sing when I met her and I have the habit of listening to her music daily. Besides, my own sing teacher was student of Callas at the Juilliard's High School. I love absolutely Maria Callas because her art has a purely feminine force and she could mix the beauty with the ferocity of human feelings.
She has changed the concept of the Opera.
Some people divide the history of opera in two parts: AC and DC, before and after Callas.

Here, you can listen to the aria called Tu che le vanità of the opera Don Carlo by Giuseppe Verdi in Callas Concert at Covent Garden in 1962.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

...A little about me...

Hello people!

Opera Simon Boccanegra. Teatro Municipal of Santiago 2011

I'll present myself. My name is Karina Mih. I was born in Santiago. I have studied German translate and French. And I have studied lyric sing and classical piano too. I’m mezzo and I have studied with a student of Maria Callas. Usually, I do German and French class and I have worked as piano teacher in a music academy called Promúsica. I teached classical piano to little childs. In 2011, I worked at the opera Simon Boccanegra in Teatro Municipal of Santiago and was great because I have the chance to know famous singers and a very celebrated régisseur. I’ll never forget this experience because I lerned a lot!  Now, I study History of Art at the Universidad de Chile.